The payment ecosystem in the Middle East is evolving rapidly, driven by the demand for instant payments, increasing volumes, and a necessity for real-time reconciliations. At the same time, central banks across the Middle East are putting in place regulatory frameworks such as the Real-Time Payments – National Payments in Bahrain, NPSS in the UAE, and SARIE in Saudi Arabia, which would accelerate the shift from cash to digital alternatives.

What role do technologies such as Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) and Digital Verification play in ensuring secure payments? And how important is it for banks to realign their thinking about their relationship with FinTechs – from a competitive orientation to a collaborative partnership?

Watch our expert panel discuss the trends and the impact of Next-Gen Payments in the Middle East and what the future may have in store for Banks and Vendors in the ecosystem.


  • Julian Ashall, Group Head of Operations at Bank ABC
  • Barid Neogi, SVP – Group Operations at Emirates NBD
  • Domenico Scaffidi, Vice President, Global Lead Payments Innovation Practice, Volante Technologies
  • Chetan Parekh, Senior Partner at Cedar Management Consulting (Moderator)

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